Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – Maple Bacon Crunch Ice Cream

I may have the best wife in the history of the universe – Shea made this earlier in the week and it was amazing! Not sure if this is the exact recipe she used but it gives you the gist. (How often do you get to eat ice cream that comes from a food site’s […]

Saturday Snap – Lego Show

Haven’t posted for a few days as the blog was undergoing Botox treatments to regain its youthful vigour this week (more in that tomorrow). In the meantime, here’s some shots from our day trip to Moose Jaw for Sask Lego Users Group show.

Saturday Snap – Hawaiian-Style Shrimp Poke

Shea and I attempt to re-create one of our (okay, my!) favourite snacks from our Hawaii trip.  Pretty close though I think the version we ate had fresh kim-chi in it as well.

Saturday Snap – The Best Thing About Comic Cons…

…is that it made it permissible for people to wear super-hero costumes in public year-round.  (I’m behind the camera so you can’t see what Pace made me wear on our Adventure Walk tonight!)

Saturday Snap – A Nice Father’s Day Surprise

Won a pretty cool raffle prize at the Father’s Day Prostate Walk last weekend…a commemorative jersey and special edition Riders loonie!

Pace on Father’s Day

It’s not Saturday but here’s a picture anyhow…

Saturday Snap – How To Drink A Root Beer Float…LIKE A BOSS!

Saturday Snap – Customer Service

Often times, working in libraries means you’re getting abused – by patrons who are mad that you won’t waive their hundreds of dollars in fines or pissed that you won’t give them unlimited guest passes on the Internet or that you don’t know the name of that book that they want to read “that’s blue”. […]

Saturday Snap – Pace’s Fifth Birthday

Pace and friends enjoying “Dino Bouncers”… Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it takes three men to raise a loft bed… …a project which unintentionally echoes the day’s Lego theme! 😉

Saturday Snap – Good-bye Old Friend

Our car got smushed in a hit and run while parked on the street in front our house late Friday night/early Saturday morning (actually our neighbour’s van got hit with enough impact that it ended up on our car’s trunk!). Our car’s a total write-off which is sad as we’ve had it for a decade […]