Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – Free Sno-Kones at RPL

Going to take a break for the weekend from my “10 Reasons I’m Supporting Ryan Meili” series then resume on Monday and finish up #5 to #1 next week. In the meantime, back to our regularly scheduled Saturday Snap – this one, highlighting one of the great advantages of working in one of the few […]

Saturday Snap – Manitoba Children’s Museum

During our trip to Winnipeg last weekend, we visited the Manitoba Children’s Museum.  One of the highlights for me was seeing that every single exhibit area had picture books scattered around that tied into the theme of that exhibit – the train that you could climb on had transportation books, the exhibit that let you […]

Saturday Snap – I Hope Overdrive Isn’t Recommending E-books Based on My Personal Reading History…

…otherwise the following could be quite embarrASSing! 😉

Saturday Snap – New Year’s Day Waterslide Chase

We booked rooms at the local Travelodge for New Year’s Eve intending to do some watersliding with Shea’s parents, her aunt and Pace’s cousin.  That’s what we did although when we went down to the pool and the pool attendant informed us that New Year’s Eve is their busiest day of the year in the […]

Saturday Snap – A Historic Document!

Shea and I were cleaning out the basement today and came across the note I’d sent her mom acknowledging receipt of a damage deposit before Shea moved into a condo my family owned by U of R. I always joke that Shea couldn’t pay her rent one month and next thing I knew, we were […]

Saturday Snap – I’m Batman!

Pace got a hold of the iPad again…

Saturday Snap – Holiday Concert

Pace saw a YouTube video of the song he’s doing for his school Christmas holiday concert and decided he needed to jazz up his look too!

Saturday Snap – Pink or Blue?

Please don’t judge us for taking these pics at Wal-Mart. Their own internal research shows their second biggest category of shoppers is people who loathe themselves for shopping there! (Not even kidding.)

Saturday Snap – A Week In The Life

A few shots from the past week… Pace and I made Lego tree ornaments… Relaxing with mommy and the baby… New shelving arrives for the Outreach Unit… Playing musical chairs at Philippine-Canadian Friends & Family Holiday Party… Spot Trent Wotherspoon’s critical error in latest mail out (Hint: top right of envelope!) 😉 We see this […]

Saturday Snap – Re-gyne-ah

Here’s me teaching a new Assistive Technology program we got at the library how to pronounce Regina…