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Peregrine Cocktail Recipe
2023/06/20Obligatory iPhone X Post
Head Tale 2.0
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I’m no longer actively maintaining or updating them but you can find my archive of Fred Eaglesmith Guitar Tabs and Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs on this site.
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Category Archives: SaturdaySnap
Saturday Snap – Maybe At Assassin School Though?
I don’t think “Hiding in small places after class” is something he learned at parkour…
Saturday Snap – Book Review
Found inside a recently returned book at my library…
Saturday Snap – Trampoline Air
Here’s a few action shots of Pace at his trampoline class…
Saturday Snap – Happy Anniversary to Me!
I had to work this weekend so Shea took the kids to spend a couple days enjoying the beautiful +13 weather at her parents’ house in Weyburn. I can’t decide if getting to go to the Bushwakkers for supper tonight (which we rarely get to since it’s a pub with a “no kids allowed” policy) […]
FTRW 2016 – Day Seven – Saturday Snap – Freedom to Read in Cuba?
Below are a couple photos I took in Havana during our 2011 trip to Cuba. This was a street vendor stall selling books (which is good!) but most here (and in our hotel’s gift shop or anywhere else we found books) were heavily propagandistic (bad!). Cuba isn’t commercialized with billboards selling blue jeans and soda but in its […]