Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – Gone Camping!

We’re off camping for the next couple weeks so posts will likely be few and far between…unless the kids end up building a really cute fort out of firewood and I have to post a picture! 😉

Saturday Snap – BikeCar Like An Icon?

Saw this rig on Albert St. the other day…

Saturday Snap – More From The Top of Regina

Here’s a few more shots from the TD Bank reception which we attended with my mom and dad on top of Regina’s new Hill Tower III Friday evening. Great three piece jazz band for entertainment… Panoramic of the view facing south… Wearing Rider green to a TD Bank reception serves a double purpose!

Saturday Snap – ‘Rasslin

It’s good when I end up in a controlling position but I live in fear for when I let Pace up! 😉

Saturday Snap – Fairy Garden

Sasha checking out the fairy garden her mom made her…

Saturday Snap – Guess Who We Saw in The Lobby of the #yxe Bessborough Hotel This Afternoon?

Some random dude wearing a cowboy hat.  But wouldn’t it have been cool if we happened to see Garth Brooks? 😉

Saturday Snap – They Don’t Fit!

Sasha tried to help me get my shoes on the other day…

Saturday Snap – Birds of a Feather…

Shea took a great photo at the lake today…

Saturday Snap – Monster Truck Flag

Pace was pretty excited when he got home from the Monster Truck & Motorbike Stunt Show last night…

Saturday Snap – @BernieSanders Speaks Outside Public Library After Winning Indiana #feelthebern

Just when I thought I couldn’t love this guy any more, he pops up on the late night news speaking in front of a public library! (Sorry for the crappy photo – taken in a darkened room of a crappy TV.)