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Saturday Snap – Used To Be?
2020/11/14A Few Post-Christmas Thoughts
Head Tale 2.0
alberta (174) allinclusive (155) atheism (249) beatles (35) book (438) camping (173) Conference (40) cool (450) copyright (42) CotD (50) Covid (244) cute (480) economics (887) education (651) facebook (138) food (149) freedomtoreadweek (102) google (97) health (500) history (698) hockey (254) holiday (592) language (632) metafilter (36) movies (108) music (905) ontario (81) orgdevl (56) parents (320) philosophy (153) rant (28) recipe (19) reddit (45) saskatchewan (710) science (404) sports (47) television (242) travel (454) twitter (64) unitedstates (403) weather (140) wikipedia (45) writing (20) xmas (132) youtube (54)Fred Eaglesmith & Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs
I’m no longer actively maintaining or updating them but you can find my archive of Fred Eaglesmith Guitar Tabs and Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs on this site.
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Category Archives: SaturdaySnap
Saturday Snap – How To Take Maximum Advantage of An Unseasonably Warm Saturday in mid-November? #yqr
There’s lots of possibilities but these folks win by having a yard sale!
Saturday Snap – 3D Printed Business Card Holders
My branch has recently received one of two 3D Printers that RPL is rotating through our various branches. We’ll have it until May 2017 or so but one of my staff has already caught the bug and printed a whole rainbow of business card holders for us…
Saturday Snap – Terrible Twos Have Definitely Become The Trying Threes
Sasha’s making the most of being three these days. In the last few weeks, she’s… Poured KD noodles and cheese powder on the floor of her bedroom (I think she also poured some powder in her sock drawer for good measure) Cannot go into the bathroom without playing with everything in her mom’s make-up drawer. (When […]
Saturday Snap – Uncle Jason!
Here’s my new nephew and I hanging out. His name is Hayz and his face is “Purple Hayz”! 😉
Saturday Snap – Katepwa Pier Crew
Always a bittersweet day when we do the many end-of-season chores at our family cottage at Katepwa Lake. We were out yesterday to bring in the piers, boat track and sea doo stand, clear out the water lines, cut the grass, load the boat, etc. etc. It was great to have one of my funniest, favouritist cousins […]
Saturday Snap – Luther College ~20 Year Reunion (@LutherEdu)
A friend who was in Luther dorms at the same time I was back in the early 1990’s was going to be passing through Regina from her home in Ottawa during her summer holidays. She reached out to a few people to see if there’d be any interest in having a mini-reunion at Luther College, one […]