Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – Blushing Bride Wine

Cleaned out our basement store room the other day and found this cool gift we got for our wedding from a relative who works as a graphic designer. Hard to believe that next March will be our 15th wedding anniversary and we’ll once again be back in the Mayan Riviera to celebrate.Β  Might even have […]

Saturday Snap – Martha Stewart?

Shea’s channeling her inner Martha Stewart for a Thanksgiving center piece this year (though the fact that our plates appear to be stolen from a 1970’s Chinese restaurant sort of cancels the effect!) πŸ˜‰

Saturday Snap – Like Mother, Like Daughter #ndpldr @thejagmeetsingh

Shea’s mom meets with Jagmeet Singh in Weyburn (home of Tommy Douglas) Saturday afternoon… Shea meets Jagmeet Singh in Regina Saturday evening…

Saturday Snap – Guitar Solo

Pace discovered my electric guitar the other night. He definitely looks cooler than me already and, without any formal lessons, he’s arguably also a better player than me too (thanks reverb!) πŸ˜‰

Saturday Snap – Autumn Falls

Fun to play in but fallen leaves are also a sad reminder the summer’s coming to an end. πŸ™

Saturday Snap – Honeycomb Campfire

Not sure if there’s another name for this style of campfire (maybe “log cabin”?) but I’ve become a big fan of it this summer, partly because you can build it so big, sort of like the world’s most dangerous game of Jenga! πŸ˜‰ The day after a fun pot luck supper with many of the […]

Saturday Snap – Abandoned Bike

Pace took a couple friends camping this past weekend. Β At one point, he asked if they could ride out to the lookout near our site and take their bikes down the hill. I interpreted this to mean “Down the little dirt path to the point just beyond the lookout” but he took it to mean […]

Saturday Snap – Ramping Up The Friendships

Pace set up a bike ramp in front of our campsite and suddenly six kids showed up to ride on it with him (I managed to catch four of them in this photo.)

Saturday Snap – Wood Pile at Echo Valley Provincial Park

Saturday Snap – Happy Canada Day!