Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – I’m Not Sure What’s More Disturbing…

…the fact that Sasha’s recently taken to drawing crosses on her body or the fact that she’s using permanent marker to do it?

Saturday Snap – One of the Saddest Days of the Year

Packing up our seasonal camp site for the final time this summer and pulling out our camper from the spot that’s been its home for the last five months…

Retro Saturday Snap – Driving Me Daily

Shea’s doing the majority of our driving these days, including taking me to a follow-up appointment with my surgeon last week…

Retro Saturday Snap – Two Hats

Retro Saturday Snap – Prairie Sunset

When my wrist is healed and I’m up to typing longer pieces again, I’m hoping to write a long percolating post about how the Sask NDP can make in-roads in rural Saskatchewan. But until then, had a great visit at Shea’s aunt and uncle’s on Saturday night…

Retro Saturday Snap – Sasha and Her Fast Friend

Sasha spent most of the weekend hanging out with the granddaughter of the people who camp right beside Shea’s parents at Nickle Lake.

Saturday Snap – Customized Rider Jersey

During our tour of Mosaic Stadium earlier this week, we got to “tour” the gift shop as well and Sasha loved that she was able to put her own name on a jersey (and I loved that we could go all the way to the last step without clicking “Order” and spending over a hundred […]

(Sunday) Snap – Sasha and Grandma

I missed posting yesterday since we were camping and my cell data was close to going over so I was trying to minimize anything I did online (er, some would point out that’s probably a good approach to camping in general!) 😉 Anyhow, by not posting a Saturday Snap, I ended up taking a great […]

Saturday Snap – The Kids Celebrating Their Heritage at #Mosaicyqr

Should’ve called it “The Escape Castle“? What I imagine a Scottish princess would say… And of course, haggis!

Saturday Snap – I Wonder What Her Roller Derby Name Is?