Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – The Risks of Doing An Election-Themed Display

I mean I’m not personally a fan of the guy but we happened to have Justin Trudeau’s autobiography in our collection so I put it on an election-themed display I did (along with a range of books about various topics and issues that are important to supporters of all parties this election season.  I also […]

Saturday Snap – I Hope They’re Not Looking For Me!

A bit nerve wracking to notice a police car pulled up right beside your own car while at work…

Saturday Snap – Hockey’s Back! (And so is beer!)

I’ve been trying to greatly reduce my beer drinking from summer camping levels (essentially down to one per week instead of one per hour!) and I’m also trying to drink only terrible tasting low-carb beer (fuck, I’m old.) But I made a special exception for one last beer I had left from our Calgary trip […]

Saturday Snap – Siblings

Walking to school…

Saturday Snap – The (Nightmare) When You’re Back in High School #cndpoli #elxn43

It’s referring to the high school he attended, not the private school he taught at. But the title of the prologue in a recent biography published about Justin Trudeau with his participation is pretty ironic given the recent brownface scandal that broke when a picture of Trudeau wearing makeup to look like Aladdin during an […]

Saturday Snap – Building A Playground Is Building A Community

With our respective schedules, Shea and I end up with one Friday off together each month. Yesterday, we did some errands in the morning then went over to our kids’ school where, after years of fundraising by the Student Community Council, they were finally about to build a new playground structure with the help of […]

Saturday Snap – Our Summer Family

When we were at Echo a few years back, we met, befriended and hung out with (and got hungover with!) a few other young couples.  (I know “young” is relative for me these days but Shea’s a lot younger than me so I follow her lead on that!) When we got our seasonal site at […]

Saturday Snap – Pandamonium!

(Belated) Saturday Snap – Disappointed I Didn’t Win The Canada Day Contest This Year

I can’t find a reference to it on my blog which is sort of surprising since I’ll take any validation I can get! But anyhow, last year, the campground we have a seasonal site had a Canada Day decorating contest and since we were new and wanted to make a good impression, we went all […]

(Belated) Saturday Snap – Giant Checkers

Having a fun day at Nickle Lake’s activity shack (which, almost unbelievably, they chose to call “The Beaver Shack” during a contest last summer!) However, it shall always be “Nickle Make” to me after the name I submitted! 😉