Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – Decorative Chair

Showed up at our campsite last weekend to find a neighbour had surprised us with a custom decorated chair that had been converted into a plant holder (plants courtesy Shea and her green thumb!)

Saturday Snap – A Different Kind of Barn Raising?

Our next door neighbour at the lake showed up with a barn-shaped shed that he said was his Covid project with his kids (much more ambitious than *my* Covid quarantine project which was eating my body weight in chips and beer!) 😉 Anyhow, it was a huge job to get it placed, taking about ten […]

Saturday Snap – What Does This Person Know That The Rest of Us Don’t???

Shea and I finally made it to Costco nearly four months to the day after our last visit, right after we returned from Mexico and right before Covid hit. I had to chuckle seeing someone buying a cartload of toilet paper imagining that’s probably what *every* cart at Costco looked like a couple months ago […]

Saturday Snap – Artistic Brush

Not a painting brush but a pile of brush in the green space behind our house that the person cutting grass artfully drove around!

Saturday Snap – Just A Swingin’

The kids are both happy that playgrounds are finally open again but they also enjoy the convenience of the swing I rigged up right in our campsite!

Saturday Snap – Our Oasis

Doing a lot of work in our new seasonal campsite (we were granted a move from a smaller site we were in other years to a bigger, better one) to make it relaxing and peaceful…

Saturday Snap – Camper Underwater?

The RV that Shea and I recently upgraded to has some sexy blue interior lights that make it seem more like you’re in a deep diving submarine than an above-ground vessel!

Saturday Snap – Camping Can’t Come Soon Enough

One of the first things allowed in Saskatchewan’s reopening plan is camping. We requested and got approved to move to a new site in the regional park where we have our seasonal site so have spent a couple weekends moving various sheds, storage bins, fridges and other supplies to our new site. Looking forward to […]

Saturday Snap – Drive-Thru (Our Grille) [Content May Disturb Some Viewers]

I don’t do warnings on this blog very often but I know the photo shows a dead animal and so may bother some people. You’ve been warned. So anyhow, we went out to Weyburn all day yesterday.  Last fall, we applied for and received a transfer to a new seasonal campsite – bigger, closer to […]

Saturday Snap – Covid Helping Us To Connect With Long Lost Friends

Shea and I have tried to do regular video chats with various friends and family throughout this pandemic but last night, we decided to do something a bit different – instead of a sustained conversation with one person or group, we decided to try “chat roulette” where we’d message random people on our Facebook friend […]