Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Freedom To Read Week 2021 – #FTRW – Day Seven – Saturday Snap – My 2021 Library #FTRW Display

  I always enjoy trying to come up with something creative for a FTRW display at my library and this year was no different. Going back to what I said earlier in the week (in a post that had a display we did just as Covid was starting to turn towards pandemic status in early […]

Saturday Snap – Top o’ the Morning

We have a little alcove near the entrance of our house where we’ve hung a “Century Family Farm” plaque that my family got in 1983 and which my parents gave to me as a housewarming gift after having it framed in barn board. At Christmas, I decided to fill the space underneath with some decorations […]

Saturday Snap – Our Only Visit To Mexico During Covid…

Buy a six pack of Sol at the liquor store, some limes at the grocery store, and put beach videos on the TV. 🙁 (But hey, at least we’re being safer than overly entitled snowbirds!)

Saturday Snap – How To Simulate a Tropical Holiday in Covid Times

Normally, Saturday Snap is a pic I’ve taken but I came across this on social media and decided to post it… We’ve been fortunate to do a winter holiday for the past few years so now that we’re into February, it’s starting to hit me that this won’t be happening this year (doesn’t help that […]

Saturday Snap – Family Movie Night

Saturday Snap – Sticky Situation

How does this happen? Well, one bottle is our home bottle, one was brought back from the lake at the end of summer and is still not used up and one was accidentally opened by a kid who doesn’t look very hard to see if there are any other open bottles anywhere!

Saturday Snap – Snow Day? What’s That?

We had a bit of a surprise waiting for us when we opened our front door after the big snow/wind storm earlier this week. In fact, pretty much our whole house was caked in snow like this – pretty cool effect – almost like living in a snow globe!

Saturday Snap – New Glasses, Who Dis?

“I like the Beatles and I like books – do you have anything that will make me look like a cross between John Lennon and Harry Potter?” “We have just the thing, sir…”

Saturday Snap – A Pretty “Big” Milestone

Considering all he does is eat and sleep, it’s not surprising.  But still a bit shocking to see our teenager is suddenly taller than his mom – feels like he grew three inches in the last month! He has three tall grandparents and one shorter one – Shea’s average height and I’m relatively tall (6’2″) […]

Saturday Snap – I Shouldn’t Find This So Funny…

…but the fact that Andrew Scheer’s Regina office is right beside a vape shop strikes me as hilarious for some reason.