Category Archives: Sad

Too Many Tabs Tuesday – Cuba Bound!

Pace has been counting down the “sleeps” until we go to Cuba on Thursday. Meanwhile his daddy has been counting down “how many days left of standing at the bus stop freezing my butt off?” 😉 We leave Thursday for a week’s vacation and since Cuba is one of the least connected countries in the […]

Sappy Sunday – First Steps in the Sun

This is a tough one to watch – a couple beagles rescued from a laboratory are filmed as they take their first steps outside on grass and into the sun (with mawkish music on the soundtrack to magnify the effect.) (via MetaFilter which gets into an interesting debate about the pros and cons of animal […]

Sappy Sunday – Days With My Father

A very moving photo-essay about living with a parent with Alzheimer’s (featuring some very unique web design as well – click at the bottom of each page to advance to the next one.) (via Reddit)

Saccharine Sunday – 90 Days With AIDS

“A woman with AIDS is filmed briefly, every day, for 90 days, and the changes she undergoes are dramatic. The very end may make you weep, but perhaps not for the reasons you expect.” Aids PSA Topsy from Human Music & Sound Design on Vimeo. (via MetaFilter)