Category Archives: Sad

Two Tales of Crime & Punishment: Guess Who Comes Out Looking Better – The Cops or the Librarians? (Okay, It’s the Feds Who Look Bad…As Usual)

The police often get the short end of the stick in terms of public perception but stories like this one show there are definitely good cops out there. In my line of work, it’s not often that you can arrest somebody on multiple occasions and end up being friends with them. On the flip side […]

Dying Man’s Wish – Leave $500 Tip on a Pizza Order

I’m not sure if this fits as a May Day story or not but I like the sentiment – people who do tough jobs for very little reward sometimes deserve to be surprised with some over-the-top generosity (although there’s also a flip side argument that if we paid decent wages to our servers, tipping wouldn’t […]

The NHL’s Back But Hockey Never Left

I know it’s a Tim Hortons commercial designed to tug the heart strings but it does a good job of summarizing why hockey is so important in the Canadian psyche… And just to reinforce the impression that my blog suddenly has Tim Horton’s sponsorship, a Timbits highlights reel… Finally, an old blog post about […]

It’s A Girl!

A pretty awesome Christmas gift! Shea and I got to find out the sex of our baby at the same time our parents did earlier tonight. During our last ultrasound, we got the tech to put the sex of the baby in a sealed envelope then handed that to a trusted friend along with a […]

Sappy Sunday – The Saddest Christmas Song Ever?

A lot of comments about his one in a recent MetaFilter thread about sad Christmas movies, TV & music.

First Picture of Hammond 2.0

Friday Fun Link – Funniest Wedding Grand Entrance Video Ever

There’s a whole sub-genre on YouTube of creative, funny, artistic wedding grand entrance & first dance videos. The one below is right up there in all three categories and bonus, it was shot by a couple in Lethbridge… Their proposal video is pretty good too, evoking one of my favourites of that kind, the World’s […]

How Do You Make Santa Real For Your Kids?

This is a question I posed to MetaFilter last year and am now revisiting this year.  (I was reminded of that question after seeing a recent one about creating Christmas traditions for your nieces and nephews .) This is, by far, the most favourited comment in that thread: When I was four, my parents totally rigged […]

Brules, Belgium (For Remembrance Day)

I came across this graphic last January but immediately thought how it would be a perfect post for Remembrance Day…

Obama Speaks To A Room Of Volunteers Post-Election

Inspirational… And this clip from Rachel Maddow is pretty good too.