Category Archives: Sad

2019 Edition of “First Snow of the Year” – Hawksley Workman

It created a pretty magical “snow globe” effect at the Heritage Classic last night, continued to fall through the night and it’s always a bit of a judgement call but it feels like it’s time to do my annual post of this song as it feels like the snow is here to stay again for […]

Weeding As a Life Philosophy

Shea and I got around to a *long* overdue task of decluttering our garage this weekend. Strangely, it reminded me of when I was in my first librarian job and (purposely?) my boss assigned me a major weeding project.  They just kept bringing me packed cart after overloaded cart of books and I had to […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – No More House (July 2018)

We only went once before, for my birthday last year, but were sad to show up at a local restaurant called the Neighbourhood Pour House yesterday to find the doors locked. Shea did some digging when we got home and found an announcement that they’d closed their doors very recently but their flagship restaurant, Jack […]

Some Thoughts on Thomas Cook’s Collapse and the Possible Impacts on Worldwide Tourism

As someone who loves visiting all-inclusive resorts (and frequently meets overseas guests while there including many who probably traveled with Thomas Cook), I’ve been watching the collapse of the 178 year old travel agency with with great interest. Some thoughts: * Some are calling this the first “Brexit Bankruptcy“, a result of uncertainty caused by […]

The Only Connection Between 9/11 and Christmas?

9/11 might be the favourite day of the year for the conspiracy-minded posters on  r/conspiracy. 🙂

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Public Library Cuts Again? #abpoli (June 2010)

It seems like one of the highest priorities for any conservative government is targeting the funding of public libraries – in Newfoundland (May 2016), in Saskatchewan (March 2017), in Ontario (April 2019), and now in Alberta (August 2019 (although to be fair, Jason Kenney’s Conservatives haven’t cut yet but are withholding 50% in advance of […]

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Tragedies like this simply don’t need to happen. Please give if you can…

Five Books That Explain Why The World Is Fucked (Uhm, Happy New Year?!?)

Let’s start the New Year off right – with a list of Five Books That Explain Why The World Is Fucked. (via Reddit) (Happy New Year?!?)

Music Monday – “And you won’t understand/But you will learn someday/That wherever you are and whatever you face/These are the people who’ll make you feel safe in this world/My sweet blue-eyed girl”

This is a bit shaky cam but I haven’t posted this amazing Christmas song for a few years so I thought I’d do so with a different version that’s even more fun than the original… “White Wine in the Sun” – Tim Minchin

RIP Dynamite Kid

The Dynamite Kid is the reason I’m a wrestling fan. I was fortunate to grow up in Western Canada during the heyday of Stampede Wrestling and I remember coming across this strange “ring-a-ding-dong dandy” spectacle on the TV when I was 7 or 8 years old. Many of the wrestlers had interesting names and personas […]