Category Archives: Photo

Merry Christmas (Eve)!

If it looks like we have a lot of gifts under the tree, you have to remember that in the month of December, I basically wrap anything I would’ve bought anyhow – dish soap, shampoo, the empty box for the slippers I bought because I needed them in September – and use those things to […]

Good-bye House!

Possession day for our old house is Friday so Shea and I spent a few hours tonight making sure we had completely cleared it out of all our stuff, did a final bit of cleaning, and having a few tears as we locked the door for the final time. I’m usually pretty sentimental about stuff […]

Saturday Snap – Elfis?

Last year, we gave in and bought a stupid Dollar Store “Elf on a Shelf” rip-off to move around every night for Sasha. Turned out it was actually kind of fun coming up with scenarios and jokes for the little guy and I might’ve got more enjoyment out of it than she did! This year, […]

Throwback Thursday – First Glimpse of Our New House (September 2019)

For the last few years, Shea and I have been occasionally “kicking the tires” on houses that caught our eye.  We were looking for something a bit bigger, something a bit newer, something a bit more fully featured than the 1977 starter home we bought fifteen years ago. When we went to see another house […]


10 Random Thoughts About Our Move

No matter how organized you are, there will be things you need to put your hands on that you can’t find.  (I have a box that I kept separate that has all my essentials – screwdriver, box cutter, tape measure, packing tape, scissors, jumbo sharpie marker, etc. etc. but when I need some regular Scotch […]

Saturday Snap – Coming Together Nicely

Moving day is done, lots of unpacking still to do but the new house is starting to come together! (Hard to believe those two black couches are ones we bought from The Brick over fifteen years ago when we lived in Calgary.  They’re still in great shape to this day!)

Friday Fun Link – The Ultimate Moving Checklist Might Not Be A Pre-Made List

There are a zillion different moving guides online with all sorts of tips, tricks and reminders. But honestly, for our move, I found that using an online To Do manager with different lists for things like “Timeline”, “To Buy”, “To Pack”, “To Fix – Old House”, “To Fix – New House”, “Contact Info”, etc. (but […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Home Inspection (December 2004)

As part of the process of selling our house, we dug through a box of old files we’ve kept over the years – manuals for appliances, receipts for things we’ve bought for the house, and the original home inspection report we got for our house in 2004. One of the things that stood out having […]

“Home For Sale – Calgary Version” (And A List of Places I’ve Lived)

Here’s a pic of me with our realtor’s sign when we sold the condo we owned in Calgary in October 2004 and with the pending move (basically two nights left in our current home!), it’s got me thinking back on other places I’ve laid my head… 0-5 (?) – my parents live in a rental […]