Category Archives: Photo

Saturday Snap – Scenes From Plague Week

With apologies to Daniel Dafoe, some scenes from the past few days… Busy disinfecting everything in the house… I *love* my library’s “In the News” display.  It’s been a huge hit with how timely and responsive it is and our COVID-themed display was no exception (yes, I know some of those “boost your immunity” books […]

Saturday Snap – My Own Corona Virus

This was my view one week ago today. I admit that I was a bit nervous heading to the airport the next day as the Coronavirus seemed to blow up big (in news coverage if not actual cases) during out week in Mexico but our flight went ahead so, (un)fortunately, we weren’t stranded in Cancun! […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Seeing My Name on TV for Telemiracle (March 2012)

TeleMiracle is one of the most successful fundraisers per capita in the world and the latest edition is coming up this weekend. Through the entire Telethon, they have a constant crawl of donors but it’s very rare to see your name on it since the volume of donors is so high.  But a few years […]

Five Reasons To Stay At A Cheaper All-Inclusive Resort (And Five Reasons Not To)

Shea and I weren’t sure if we could afford an all-inclusive holiday this winter after buying a new house last fall. But we decided that if we booked a much cheaper resort than some of the high-end places we’ve stayed at in previous years (we paid almost half what we did last year!), we should […]

Friday Fun Link – Paloma Sunrise

Our plane isn’t wheels up for a couple days but no reason not to do a combo paloma/tequila sunrise concoction tonight to get a head start on holidays!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Three Month Anniversary in Our New House (November 2019)

Hard to believe it’s been three months in our new house.  This is a shot of me leaving our old house for the last time…

Saturday Snap – Hecho En Mexico

Just over one week until we leave for Mexico.  I bought some cane sugar-infused goodness to mark the occasion…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – WS2412 (February 2019)

It’s sort of funny to think about how we’ve flown to the Cancun International Airport a handful of times over the past few years and it’s always the same WestJet flight we take every single year since we go the same week leaving and returning on the same day.

Saturday Snap – Family (Un)Literacy Night: Some Highlights

Walked Sasha over to her school’s Family Literacy Night earlier this week and we didn’t even read one story at the “Reading Activity Station” but we sure had fun playing with the stuffed animals and telling stories using crazy voices. One mom sort of glared at us goofing around and I was this close to […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Readers Are Leaders (March 2014)

Speaking of the importance of being surrounded by books from an early age…