Category Archives: Photo

Camping Countdown

Going camping for a couple weeks starting at the end of this week so likely won’t be doing daily posts since the Internet out there is pretty crappy. See you in August!

Saturday Snap – A Different Kind of Barn Raising?

Our next door neighbour at the lake showed up with a barn-shaped shed that he said was his Covid project with his kids (much more ambitious than *my* Covid quarantine project which was eating my body weight in chips and beer!) 😉 Anyhow, it was a huge job to get it placed, taking about ten […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – “We are closing for at least two weeks, maybe more” (March 16, 2020)

This was the sign one of my staff hastily wrote during the frantic last day my library was open to the public (which ironically, I suspect was one of the busiest circulation days in my branch’s history as people took *armloads* of books – perhaps realising our project of “at least a couple weeks” was […]

Saturday Snap – What Does This Person Know That The Rest of Us Don’t???

Shea and I finally made it to Costco nearly four months to the day after our last visit, right after we returned from Mexico and right before Covid hit. I had to chuckle seeing someone buying a cartload of toilet paper imagining that’s probably what *every* cart at Costco looked like a couple months ago […]

Throwback Thursday – Family Portrait at the Library (June 2011)

The Tooth Fairy Is Going To Be Broke…

Sasha lost one front tooth last weekend… …and the other front one last night!

Saturday Snap – Artistic Brush

Not a painting brush but a pile of brush in the green space behind our house that the person cutting grass artfully drove around!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – How Naive We Were (School Year 2016-2017)

As June comes to an end, I have to post this meme I recently rediscovered. It’s funny how dabbing, fidget spinners and bottle flipping were the biggest issues a teacher had to deal with a few years back! I’m not up to doing a full photoshop job but can only imagine the updated version of […]

Another Reopening Milestone

Last week, Shea and I had our first sit-down restaurant meal in three months and tonight, we took the whole family for our first meal together in a restaurant (well, on a patio anyhow.)

Music Monday – “Time stand still/I’m not looking back/But I want to look around me now”

I’ve been into my branch a handful of times since it shut down three months ago. But as RPL has begun slowly reopening over the past couple weeks, today was my first day back in branch doing more traditional library work.  This is because we’ve started having mid-sized and smaller branches in the RPL system […]