Category Archives: Photo

Our Second Trip to Mexico During Covid?

I said yesterday’s visit to Mexico would be our only one but we enjoyed it so much, we decided to go again to celebrate Valentine’s Day! 😉 (We’re not the only ones missing beach vacations apparently but this is pretty extreme!)  

Saturday Snap – Our Only Visit To Mexico During Covid…

Buy a six pack of Sol at the liquor store, some limes at the grocery store, and put beach videos on the TV. 🙁 (But hey, at least we’re being safer than overly entitled snowbirds!)

Saturday Snap – How To Simulate a Tropical Holiday in Covid Times

Normally, Saturday Snap is a pic I’ve taken but I came across this on social media and decided to post it… We’ve been fortunate to do a winter holiday for the past few years so now that we’re into February, it’s starting to hit me that this won’t be happening this year (doesn’t help that […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Stuck in Snow (January 2010)

We’ve had a lot of snow this year and one big advantage of our new house is having an attached garage so we don’t have to shovel/scrape/dig out like at our old house (which had a detached garage but which we rarely used since it was: a) full of junk b) behind the house and […]

Saturday Snap – Family Movie Night

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Boxing Day Classic (Multiple Years)

When I was in high school and later, in university, the neighbours across the street hosted a Boxing Day road hockey tournament every year. This was followed by an airing of the latest Don Cherry “Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em” VHS tape that one of their two boys got from Christmas, finger foods, basement beers and […]

Saturday Snap – Sticky Situation

How does this happen? Well, one bottle is our home bottle, one was brought back from the lake at the end of summer and is still not used up and one was accidentally opened by a kid who doesn’t look very hard to see if there are any other open bottles anywhere!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Asessippi Carnage

Four years ago this week, we were on our way to a ski trip in Manitoba. It was hard to know what the next four years would bring but we listened to Trump’s “American Carnage” Inaugural Address on the drive up and that provided a big clue. Such a relief that he’s gone.

Inauguration Celebration Libations

Saturday Snap – Snow Day? What’s That?

We had a bit of a surprise waiting for us when we opened our front door after the big snow/wind storm earlier this week. In fact, pretty much our whole house was caked in snow like this – pretty cool effect – almost like living in a snow globe!