Category Archives: MemoryLane

First Snow of the Year (2024 Edition)

Nice and late this year!

Saturday Snap – Baby Librarian Hammond? Young Man Hammond?

It’s an unofficial tradition (does two people doing it so far equal a “tradition”?) that when a colleague is at one of the branches I work at – either for a meeting or redeployed due to illness or whatever – they leave a doodle of some kind as a “thanks” for using my desk. The […]

Friday Fun Link – This Is Mother Fucking Web Site

I remember learning the basics of HTML in 1997 and still joke that some of my first web design jobs were because I could “get a picture to show up on a web page.” Times have changed but I love this site as it brings back so many memories of the core web site design […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Prom Grand March (May 1991)

So I joined the Prom Planning Committee for Pace’s graduating class. Kids today are much more environmentally conscious but in 1991 when I graduated, I do believe high school proms was a Top 10 contributor to the hole in the ozone layer!

Music Monday – “The winds have blown over the ocean/The winds have blown over the sea/The winds have blown over the ocean/And brought back my Bonnie to me”

“My Bonnie” – John McDermott (Fun Fact – we don’t get many celebrity sightings in Regina but I saw John McDermott in the lobby of the Hotel Sask in Regina one year around Christmas when he was in town for a concert!)

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Sasha Enmeshed (Nov 2014)

Wisdom Wednesday – “Have You Considered Our EFAP Program?”

My first boss had very personal reasons for being strongly anti-union.  But he was quite insightful when he said “I still think Unions are necessary because they protect employees from bad bosses.  And the biggest problem is that bad bosses don’t know they’re bad bosses.” I heard something semi-related when talking to some union colleagues […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – HR Lunch (January 2012)

Though it was a path I never expected, in hindsight, I was incredibly lucky to start my career in the HR Unit as I learned so much about management, leadership, organizational culture and development, change management, employee motivation and so much more.  Plus we had an amazing group of people including a great HR Manager […]

Random 2024 Saskatchewan Provincial Election Thoughts

The night the writ dropped a planned constituency association meeting was turned into a door knocking/sign planting evening. In my experience, when a house has two competing signs, it’s usually meant that a husband and wife support different candidates but I learned from my sign planting colleague that in her culture, this can also be […]

Saturday Snap – 53rd Anniversary Supper