Earlier this week, I posted an infographic of the most famous brand from each US state. Soon after, I came across a similar graphic which features (arguably) the most famous book set in every state…
Here’s an interesting map of the best known brand from each American state (with a handy list of all the brands-by-state so you can see the smaller states that are harder to make out on the map)…
A couple fun book related posts I recently came across – 10 Actors That Should Be Cast As Authors and Readers Match Their Bodies to Books
Lots of cool answers in this AskReddit question… There are perfectly nice, reasonable, intelligent people who disagree with my political opinions. You can get from North Korea to Finland by going through one country. That if you don’t have a kid, you’re the first one since your ancestral line started [edit: not just human line […]
Not sure if the anti-bullying Pink Shirt Day worked for Pace. He called me a “stupid noob” when I got home then gave me a double shot to the stomach! Time to cut back on the Minecraft I guess… 😉 Talking to people who don’t live in Libraryland often makes me realise that librarians are […]
Okay, 43 plus a couple more…
Below is the top voted answer, by former NASA astronaut Garrett Reisman, to the Quora question “What Is The Most Important Thing You’ve Learned About Leadership” (it’s worth clicking through for some of the other answers as well.) 1) Have a grand vision – Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO, CTO As a leader, you can inspire […]
So I consider myself a fairly tech-savvy individual. I’ve been using computers since I was ten years old. The first computer I used regularly was a Commodore-64. I sent my first e-mail in 1995 and designed my first web site in 1997. I’ve since designed numerous web sites and even got paid to produce many […]
I’ve recently rediscovered hummus. God, that stuff is addictive! The local hard rock radio station playing German quasi-death metal on my drive back to work after lunch recently = Jason has a very productive afternoon! 😉 I’ve mentioned this before but getting to come home for lunch every day is beyond awesome. That’s partly because, […]
I’m probably one of the worst people for loving all of those “50 Books To Read Before You Die”, “10 Books Every Child Should Read”, “17 Books for a Summer Holiday” lists. I mean, they *do* comprise two of my most favouritist things in the world – books and lists. However, I think this list […]