Category Archives: List

Generational Differences Chart

I’m always interested in the concept of generational differences which has come up a couple times recently – after Shea attended a workshop on reaching out to young people in the workplace and then during a conversation in my workplace where a few of us “oldies” had fun explaining what life was like in the time of cassette […]

Friday Fun Link – Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies

Designed to encourage lateral thinking and break creative logjams, Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies might help you through some of the problems you’re facing.

Music Monday – “You are my heart/Oh my Queen of the Furrows/This is how I farm, eyes up and ears down low/You are my heart, you’re my Queen of the Furrows/This how I feel, hens cluck and roosters crow”

Although I was a pretty big fan of the Hip back in their prime years, I sort of backed away – both as their albums became less essential (The top 6 of the 12 Tragically Hip albums rated by CBC were released in the 1980’s or 1990’s, the bottom six were all released after 2000) and […]

Tragically Hip Articles: Fully Completely

So much Hip coverage today… A Wild Winding Beginning (The Whig) One Nation Under Gord (Globe & Mail) How We Will Miss Gord Downie and the Tragically Hip (MacLean’s) Watch Canada’s Biggest Rock Band Say A Dramatic Good-bye (New Yorker) What Tomorrow Brings: The Incredible Story of How “Wheat Kings” Came To Be (CBC Music) The Politically Hip (Council of Canadians) […]

Ten Reasons Our Recent Camping Trip Was Perhaps Our Best Ever

We’re back from a week and a half of camping – one week at Greenwater Provincial Park and then, after a quick night in Regina, another few days at Shea’s parents’ seasonal site in Weyburn. Both parts were great but Shea and I agreed that the week in Greenwater was maybe our best camping trip […]

Friday Fun Link – How To Be Canadian

Happy Canada Day, eh?

Dollars Spent Per Hour of Entertainment

Too bad this site didn’t have a line for “library book/movie/CD”. 😉 (via)

Friday Fun Link – 19 Pictures That Hilariously Prove Potato Chips Are No Joke In Canada

One highlight of working at a gas station as a teenager was getting to see all the different kinds of chips that rotated in and out – Hostess especially came out with some pretty strange (at the time) flavours including Hamburger, French Fries, Roast Chicken and Pizza. So it was no surprise to see a […]

Hillary Clinton’s Being Presumptive Nominee Is Historic Only In The Context of a Two-Party System Where Both Democrats and Republicans Work Against Other Parties Gaining A Foothold

Don’t be fooled – the only true divide in America isn’t men vs. women, black vs. white, Muslim vs. Christian or any other binary. The only one that matters is rich vs. poor and Hillary is very clearly on the side of the rich while Bernie Sanders is on the side of the poor. It’s […]

10 Moments That Have Defined The US Primaries @hillaryclinton @berniesanders @donaldtrump #politics #uspoli #primaries #election

Here’s a list of some the most memorable moments from this wild and wacky primary season. For the record, here’s the list Trump launches his campaign by calling Mexicans “rapists” The Bernie movement is born Trump attacks a Fox journalist saying “blood coming out of her…wherever” Bernie doesn’t take opportunity to attack Clinton on e-mails in […]