RPL closed all branches and sent staff home on March 18 which means we’re now into our third month of quarantine. (“Quarantine” is a bit misleading since I’ve obviously not been 100% locked at home during the past three months – trips to grocery stores, restaurants for pick-up, the “occasional” liquor store. Plus Shea’s going […]
Yesterday, I tried to do a post of all the worst-case scenarios for COVID-19 but I realised that I probably did too much commentary and I probably didn’t think through quite how bad this could get. (I mean, at one point, I went on a tangent about how this might end up resulting in *improvements* […]
Early on and throughout the pandemic, there have been lots of nice “We’re in this together“, “Humans have survived worse“-type messages of positivity mixed with advice to not watch too much news, not to think too darkly, not to worry about things beyond your control. These mostly came from sincere places – trying to protect […]
It may or may not work but now that Scott Moe has released his plan for reopening the province, one benefit is that it makes it feel a bit more “real” that there will an end to this and the endless day of quarantine might come to an end. That got me thinking about some […]
Premier Scott Moe had a press conference tonight to announce that…he will be having a press conference tomorrow night to talk about how his government has a five point plan for reopening the province now that we’ve flattened the curve…maybe. There’s no doubt that Saskatchewan has done very well during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to […]
Pretend this is one of those Facebook quizzes and put a checkmark besides any words/phrases you didn’t know (or think about regularly) *before* a month ago when the Coronavirus began to expand and grow our language… Asymptomatic Carole Fuckin’ Baskin CERB Community Spread Contact Free Delivery Contact Tracing Contagion (movie) Coronavirus COVID Covidiot Coworker (in […]
There’s a challenge on social media to post the last picture on your camera roll before you entered quarantine. I thought I’d take that challenge but go a step further to post a few photos and significant dates from my own personal COVID timeline… My Personal COVID Timeline Late November – early December 2019 COVID […]
Lots of ones I hadn’t heard of before on this list!
These are ordered roughly in the order that I find them useful but I’d encourage anyone reading this to open them all and find which ones you prefer for yourself. Also, feel free to post a comment if there are sites I haven’t listed that you prefer. COVID-19 Canada Tracker – designed by a […]
Yes, the *next* mass pandemic. We dodged the bullet a few times with recent outbreaks like SARS, H1N1, Ebola, etc. But some very smart people foresaw that a devastating worldwide pandemic was inevitable due to the increasing number of viruses that were reaching humans. This is the result of a combination of humans aggressively moving […]