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I’m no longer actively maintaining or updating them but you can find my archive of Fred Eaglesmith Guitar Tabs and Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs on this site.
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Category Archives: Library
Friday Fun Link – Library Run “Famous Quotes” Database
I’ve always loved quotations and used to even “read” quotation books. Now the web has modernized the idea in the form of quote web sites. There are a few options out there but I recently found out that a library system in Kentucky runs its own “Famous Quotes” web site which is pretty cool!
Five Thoughts As I Enter My Fourth Month of Quarantine
I did a list like this about a month ago and so I thought I’d do another one as I’m now a few days into my *fourth* month of quarantine to see what’s front of mind these days… 1. Public libraries *finally* have a date for permitted opening which will be Phase Four Stage Two […]
Music Monday – “Time stand still/I’m not looking back/But I want to look around me now”
I’ve been into my branch a handful of times since it shut down three months ago. But as RPL has begun slowly reopening over the past couple weeks, today was my first day back in branch doing more traditional library work. This is because we’ve started having mid-sized and smaller branches in the RPL system […]
Nashville Public Library “Curb Side, Baby” Promotional Video
This is amazing…
Friday Fun Link – If You’re Going To Buy A Face Mask…
…might as well buy a book-themed one!
Five Reasons Libraries Should Begin Re-opening (and Five Reasons They Shouldn’t)
In a time of unprecedented challenges, the big debate in libraryland is how/when libraries should reopen. There are good reasons on both sides of the ledger but as Saskatchewan libraries inch closer to reopening, here’s a few of the main ones… LIBRARIES *SHOULD* BEGIN RE-OPENING 1. The single biggest reason libraries should be reopening is […]
Throwback Thursday – #tbt – “Reader Pride” Wrap-Up (June 2008)
This was the wrap-up for a major region-wide literacy program called “Time To Read” (with a slogan “Reader Pride”, a pun on Saskatchewan’s well-known “Rider Pride”) that I was involved with in my first job after I graduated from library school. It’s crazy to think how much in this photo is now being impacted by […]
When Can Canadian Public Libraries Reopen? @librarianshipCA
I’ll likely do a longer post with some thoughts on how libraries across North America have reacted to the COVID crisis at some point and also some personal thoughts on how/when they should reopen. But now that a few provinces have begun to include public libraries in their reopening plans (I’m looking at you, Saskatchewan!), […]
Five Lists of Five Things I’m Thinking About As Scott Moe Prepares To Release His Five Phase Plan for Reopening Saskatchewan
Premier Scott Moe had a press conference tonight to announce that…he will be having a press conference tomorrow night to talk about how his government has a five point plan for reopening the province now that we’ve flattened the curve…maybe. There’s no doubt that Saskatchewan has done very well during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to […]