Category Archives: Jobs

Friday Late Link – IBM Doesn't Track Employee Holidays (Aug 31, 2007)

This week’s post is a bit late because apparently there is something called “real life” that happens “outside”, occasionally in places where there are no “Internets.” Whodathunkit? Anyhew, I recently came across an article which noted that most conservative of corporations, Big Blue itself, IBM, apparently has had a policy since the mid-1990’s where they […]

Friday Fun Link – ALA Rural Librarianship Salary Survey (August 24, 2007)

The ALA recently released a survey of rural librarians with all kinds of interesting, enlightening and downright depressing comments and statistics. As someone who willingly chose to work in a rural library as my first job over a city position, this survey also hits close to home (although I do believe that the situation in […]

A Hipper Crowd of Shushers

Here's an article that's making the rounds from the New York Times' Fashion & Style section – A Hipper Crowd of Shushers“How did such a nerdy profession become cool — aside from the fact that a certain amount of nerdiness is now cool? Many young librarians and library professors said that the work is no […]

Library Job Interviews – My Experience (including sample questions)

[2007-05-06 – MetaFilter had a great post with lots of interview related resources and discussion.] I said I wouldn't talk about my job much on this blog but I thought a bit about the various interviews I went through to get to this point in a more general manner might be a good topic, especially […]

Your Next NDP Candidate in the Souris-Moose Mountain Constituency Is…

A couple months ago, I wrote about how I attended the local NDP association's AGM with Shea's uncle who's big with the NDP (he ran in the 2000 Federal election) during a visit to Weyburn.  During the meeting, one old-timer had leaned over and asked if I might be interested in running.  I told him […]

And Now I Am A Librarian!

Well, after four interviews, three months of waiting, two offers, and one really big decision, I have officially accepted an 18-month full-time temporary contract with Southeast Regional Library in Weyburn, an hour south of Regina. The other offer was a full-time permanent position with the Provincial Library and it had a very strong appeal as […]

About Me (A Timeline of My Life)

Following up on my promise from awhile ago to add an “About Me” page to this blog, I decided to do something a bit different than the traditional, paint-by-numbers, paragraph-long business-style bio or the fun but frivolous, paragraph-long informal version that many web sites have (er, no offense meant if that's what your web site […]

Job Hunt Update

I've been fairly restrained (at least by my standards) in talking about my job hunt on this blog  because I wanted to keep these details fairly low key for a variety of reasons, not least because I know that more and more employers do web searches for potential employers and you never know what might […]

Nursing Truths (in the "RN" sense, not the "baby juice" sense)

Nurses, rightfully so, have one of the highest trust/respect ratings of any profession in society. But like any profession, they're not immune to frustrations with their patients.
Here's a humourous look at some of them via a forwarded e-mail my mom (a nurse) sent to Shea (also a nurse):

My Personality Type

ENFP –  “Journalist”. Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population. Free Jung Word Choice Test (similar to MBTI)personality tests by Extroverted (E) 83.33% Introverted (I) 16.67% Intuitive (N) 79.17% Sensing (S) 20.83% Feeling (F) 83.33% Thinking (T) 16.67% Perceiving (P) 58.33% Judging (J) 41.67% (via […]