Naturally. (Also, rankings of the best library schools – US only unfortunately.)
A colleague and I recently facilitated a forum for the professional librarians at RPL. The first question we asked as an ice breaker was “How did you you become a librarian?” The choice of that question wasn't inspired by the Library Routes Project but obviously the idea of hearing how people come to the career […]
Last night, Jon Stewart had some fun discussing the Master of Library Science's sister degree, the Master of Archival Studies. (Fast forward to 1:40).
“I honestly believe that I have the best job in the library.” That made me think, shouldn't a library's goal be to hire people who *all* say that (sincerely, of course), no matter what their job at the library is? Sounds like a pretty good HR Strategy to me!
It started innocently enough. A couple weeks ago, my dad called me at work to ask if I could stop at Canadian Tire on my way home to pay for some mirror extenders he'd ordered for his truck. “They wouldn't take your credit card over the phone?” I asked. “No. They said you had to […]
I've written about the Saskatchewan Single Integrated Library System before but now I see this massive project to bring all of our regional and city library systems together in a single consortium arrangement is getting some mainstream media coverage as well. A job for a librarian who will coordinate the technical aspects of the project […]
I'm not sure where I first heard the term “degree snob” but it was most memorably put to me in reference to a professional librarian who would literally not lower themself to speak to non-professional staff if it could be helped! With that as a jumping off point (and based on some of my […]
This post on TechCrunch is showing up on most of the major link aggregators I visit (MetaFilter, Reddit, etc.) so I thought I'd post it here. Although libraries aren't Google by any stretch of the imagination, we do live in similar worlds so there's probably something to be learned from the discussion about how to […]
I start my new job tomorrow and so it's the usual mix of nervousness and excitement today. But to be honest, I'm more excited than nervous for this one and the biggest thing I'm worried about is whether I should take the bus or drive followed closely by “what should I take for lunch?” since […]
The announcement went out to the staff at Regina Public Library today so I can now officially talk about my new job. I have accepted a position as RPL's Organization Development Specialist! “As a what??? I never took a class on that in library school,” I hear you saying and I have to admit, I […]