I don’t hang out there nearly as much as I used to (and worse, a lot of my “community web site” time has shifted to <gasp> Reddit!) so it was a bit of a shock to see a librarian colleague post on Facebook about the big changes happening at MetaFilter. Cash-strapped after a recent downturn […]
Professor Robert Buckingham, a long time professor at the University of Saskatchewan, was recently fired for speaking out about some major ongoing budget cuts and restructuring plans at the U of S. The University administration claimed that there was a difference between the freedom of expression tenured professors should expect for expressing controversial or politically incorrect […]
Here’s an interesting map of the best known brand from each American state (with a handy list of all the brands-by-state so you can see the smaller states that are harder to make out on the map)…
Below is the top voted answer, by former NASA astronaut Garrett Reisman, to the Quora question “What Is The Most Important Thing You’ve Learned About Leadership” (it’s worth clicking through for some of the other answers as well.) 1) Have a grand vision – Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO, CTO As a leader, you can inspire […]
Canada has a digital divide, a demographic that isn’t fully connected to the online world. In the past year, 20 per cent of Canadians haven’t used the internet once, from any location. And that number doesn’t include other kinds of disconnection, like those who don’t own a computer or cell phone, or who can’t use them effectively. […]
This is not a new idea to Canada (or to this blog). But this article is timely in light of a recent post that came across my Facebook News Feed about how “We all pay taxes so the government can give it to someone who doesn’t work as hard as you do.” That misperception that […]
Like the title says, I’m voting “Yes” in the Regina Waste Water Treatment Plant Referendum. But it’s not for the reason you might expect… I think I’ve mentioned in passing on this blog that I sometimes regret getting more heavily involved in party politics, first by joining Ryan Meili’s 2009 Sask NDP Leadership bid […]
Happy Labour Day! This year’s Labour Day is especially relevant as our current provincial government has proposed sweeping new legislation to “modernize” Saskatchewan’s labour laws by combining twelve existing pieces of Legislation into a single omnibus bill, a move which will “likely have many unintended consequences and costs. Unions aren’t taking these changes laying down […]