Shea and I broke down and ordered Crave again after having it a few years ago but letting it slide. This show was a big reason why we wanted it (along with “Last of Us” which is our next binge)…
One of the great ironies of the working world is that we often questions like the one above in interviews of new staff but then hire people who don’t feel empowered to actually go “above and beyond” to help people. This can be for a variety of reasons – too time-consuming, confusion or mixed messages […]
There are over a billion websites on the internet, yet most people never use more than a dozen. Here are 10 little-known websites that give you superpowers. Thread: — Gurwinder (@G_S_Bhogal) December 22, 2022
I’ve probably been overly obsessive about reading and rEsEaRcHiNg about Covid ever since the pandemic began – all aspects from the science of it to the economic and political implications to the occasional conspiracy theory (well, blitzed with them every time I open a social media site!) Now that I’ve finally had Covid, a lot […]
The new artificial intelligence service, ChatGPT, has taken the Internet by storm and with good reason – this is incredibly realistic (mostly), fast, free artificial intelligence that has potential to revolutionalize the world in numerous ways improving exponentially from similar earlier services. (Of course, as someone pointed out on Reddit, “everyone thought Excel would revolutionize […]
"I'm gonna be blunt here: Elon Musk is running Twitter into the ground…and it's the best Twitter's ever been." @trevornoah — The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) November 11, 2022 After paying the rather insane sum of $44 billion for Twitter, Elon Musk had to make his money back somehow. Unfortunately, doing away with the site’s […]
I’ve had this pic on my desktop since the late summer. I’d saved it as “HalloweenPostGiantBat.jpg”. But now that Halloween’s here, disappointed (but probably not surprised) to learn it’s a hoax (or at least an exaggeration.) Anyhow, a good reminder about not believing everything you see online and doing the minimum of research before spreading […]
It sounds like I’m joking but I honestly love the idea of things going into the public domain a lot earlier than they currently do so creators can put unique visions and ideas based on existing characters into the world…
Kinda funny that my most successful tweet of all-time (at least based on Likes) is a throwaway reply to a heart-warming viral thread about ice cream trucks… A couple at the campground where we spend summers have an ice cream cart. He said that it was parents & grandparents, not kids, who came running when […]