Category Archives: Humour

Saturday Snap – Where Do You Find Jason At The NDP Volunteer Thank-You Party?

Standing alone in a corner stuffing his face with pizza! 😉

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – How We Prepared To Be Dog Owners? (September 2014)

Walk our kid on a leash?!?

Wisdom Wednesday – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Saving The Planet?

In one of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books, there's a scene where a planet is doomed — so they divide society into three groups to evacuate: #1: the best and brightest#2: management consultants and marketing execs#3: builders and doers The planet sends off Ship 2… — Christian Keil (@pronounced_kyle) March 31, 2024 […]

News Reporter Has Had Enough of Saskatchewan Winter Already

As they say on Reddit, this isn’t a parody of a small town news report but probably should be.

Saturday Snap – Toasty Fireplace

We forgot to turn off the fireplace the other night.  Later, I heard the dog go downstairs so thought he needed to go out.  But nope, I found him like this!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – The Family That Brushes Together Prevents Decay Together? (January 2015)

Saturday Snap – Baby Librarian Hammond? Young Man Hammond?

It’s an unofficial tradition (does two people doing it so far equal a “tradition”?) that when a colleague is at one of the branches I work at – either for a meeting or redeployed due to illness or whatever – they leave a doodle of some kind as a “thanks” for using my desk. The […]

Friday Fun Link – This Is Mother Fucking Web Site

I remember learning the basics of HTML in 1997 and still joke that some of my first web design jobs were because I could “get a picture to show up on a web page.” Times have changed but I love this site as it brings back so many memories of the core web site design […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Prom Grand March (May 1991)

So I joined the Prom Planning Committee for Pace’s graduating class. Kids today are much more environmentally conscious but in 1991 when I graduated, I do believe high school proms was a Top 10 contributor to the hole in the ozone layer!

I’m Hoping To Sneak Up On Shea This Year…