Category Archives: FridayFunLink

Friday Fun Link – The Nostalgia Machine

The Nostalgia Machine will generate a playlist for the year you were born (or any other year – want to re-live your high school prom?  The year you got married?)

A Look at the Log Files…

I haven’t done a navel-gazing post for awhile so I thought it’d be interesting to list which of my blog posts have had the most views during this year along with the date that they were originally published… How To Make A Rye & Coke Press (Dec 2006) Myers-Briggs Results as Cultural Touchstones (Oct 2013) Ranking […]

Friday Fun Link – The Geocities-izer

This web page allows you to make any site look like you designed it in 1998 using GeoCities… (via Reddit)

Friday Fun Link – “It was Google back in the day.” Teens React to Encyclopedias

Bonus footage:

Friday Fun Link – Barack Obama Dances With Kids During Alaska Trip

After yesterday’s depressing post, I needed something to raise my spirits. This story and video of Barack Obama’s visit to Alaska (including the fact that’s he’s the first POTUS to use a selfie stick and also that a fish ejaculated on him) definitely helps…

Friday Fun Link – Inspirograph

If you loved playing Spirograph as a kid, you might enjoy the digital version as well!

Friday Fun Link – Climbing Shelves in a Children’s Library

A Mexican public library uses shelving that doubles as climbing structures. I can hear the lawsuits coming from a mile away if a library tried to do this in Canada but personally I love the idea!

Friday Fun Link – Extreme Close Ups of Things

This week has had slow motion.  Now let’s see extreme close-ups!

Friday Fun Link – Funny Shades of Grey

Shea and I may or may not have recently subjected ourselves to one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. We probably should’ve just watched the (honest) trailer and/or some video reviews. Make sure you watch the “Elders React” one – it’s hilarious!

Friday Fun Link – Hilarious Booze Cruise Story

Not sure if I’ve ever posted this before but I’ve watched it numerous times. Always cracks me up by reminding me of some of the crazy stupid stories my friends and I tell each other about our own wild times in high school and college.