Category Archives: FridayFunLink

Friday Fun Link – Six Disproportionately Common Names By Profession

Most Common Librarian Names include Johanna, Abigail, Margot, Nanette, Julia, Eleanor. (The data set apparently only looks for common names that aren’t found in other fields.  So a popular name like “John” or “Jennifer” which is fairly common across all areas won’t show up unless it is an outlier – eg. *extremely* popular in a […]

Friday Fun Link – Dancing at the end of @officialRPL 50th Anniversary “Retro” Party

After originally being posted by Shea to Facebook (which means I have plausible deniablility but also that not everyone could view it since she didn’t make it public), this video has taken on a bit of legendary status. I’m getting all these cryptic e-mails from other people at RPL (and even beyond) that say “Hey, […]

Friday Fun Link – @roryallenmusic Promoting @officialRPL Regent 50th “Retro” Party on @ctvreginalive #yqr

Had a blast appearing on CTV Morning Live with Rory Allen tomorrow to promote Regent Place branch’s 50th Anniversary “Retro” Event. The event is going to be totally groovy! Rory will be performing throughout the afternoon (and taking photos and signing autographs when he’s not performing), we’ll have a costume contest, retro snacks (featuring a […]

Friday Fun Link – Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies

Designed to encourage lateral thinking and break creative logjams, Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies might help you through some of the problems you’re facing.

Friday Fun Link – “Sicko” – Doug Stanhope

One of the most offensive, rude, funniest stand-up albums I’ve ever heard…

Friday Fun Link – The Tragically Hip: A Chronology

Tomorrow’s the big night for the last Tragically Hip concert during their final cross-Canada tour so here’s a few full-length concerts from throughout their career to whet your appetite: One from their earliest days, recorded live for MuchMusic… A concert from perhaps the height of their fame during one of their Another Roadside Attraction concerts… One […]

Friday Fun Link – I Replaced The Word ‘Millennials’ With ‘43-Year-Old White Men’ And Now These Headlines Are *Italian Chef Kissing Fingers Gesture*

As a 43-year old white male, I feel duty-bound to post this funny piece that came out last week and which shows how silly many web articles about an entire generation sound when applied to a very specific slice of demography… Some examples… How Tumblr Plans To Pay 43-Year-Old White Men To Blog ?—?Inc. Is The […]

Friday Fun Link – The World Wide Web is 25 Years Old, Here Are The 25 Funniest Things To Ever Happen Online

I can’t decide if I should feel special or like a giant nerd that I remember seeing most of these when they went viral.

Friday Fun Link – God, I Miss Jon Stewart

Luckily, he’s living under Stephen Colbert’s “Late Show” desk… (Oh, and here’s a summary of 25 of Trump’s biggest lies, exaggerations and misrepresentations from his convention speech last night.)

Friday Fun Link – The Tallest Building Between Winnipeg and Calgary

…and we were hanging out on top of it earlier tonight (though I know it’s hard to tell how high we are from the angle of this photo!)