Some decent advice in this article…
In light of the Wordle craze, this site feels inevitable.
Wordle is the latest craze to sweep the online world. If you haven’t played, you get six chances to guess a five letter word. After entering your first guess, it will tell you if you have a letter in the right spot (green) or a right letter but in the wrong spot (yellow). Then, sort […]
I can’t think of an event that defines America better – the introductions, the crowds, the focus on competition and over consumption (but I’m still going to tag this as “Sports”) 😉
In keeping with how shitty this year has been, the Shit Fireplace folks have truly outdone themselves with the latest edition of this important Christmas tradition. So nice to have this streaming on the TV on Christmas Eve bringing joy and warmth to all… 😉 (And bonus, the co-creators of these videos have both worked […]
I’m not sure how to embed a video clip I found on Reddit so will just say it’s worth a click to go check this out – *this* is the type of content that makes the Internet awesome!
Kellogg’s workers in the States who have been on strike since October (in the US, apparently workers aren’t guaranteed their job after a strike as I believe is the case in Canada) were in the process of being laid off en masse by the company who wanted to hire 1400 permanent replacement workers. A bunch […]
Don’t agree – and this is a good article about the multiple ways pro wrestling appeals to people.
I get why “attend” is important for kids who miss school regularly (even before Covid, schools were doing an “attendance matters” campaign) but I’ve always hated this implied pressure to show up to school no matter what without the consideration that a) it’s okay for kids who are sick to stay home and b) even […]
I asked my daughter what I should post for this week’s Friday Fun Link and she said “Search up ‘fun facts’ on YouTube”. This was the first result…