Wisdom Wednesday – What Is Compassionate Leadership?

I know farewell messages are like eulogies and tend to be overly kind to the dearly departed.

But if we’re being honest, “compassionate leadership” can be many things but here are some things I’m pretty sure it’s not:

* making staff cry in meetings
* berating people
* trying to be intimidating instead of kind
* starting from a position of distrust instead of trust
* being dismissive of staff concerns or requests
* making excuses
* acting like a Tiger Mother
* having double standards where one person can “get away” with certain behaviours/language/tone that are called out with others
* (allegedly) flipping over tables in meetings
* bending rules/making up rules when it suits you.
* grilling staff like you’re a lawyer trying to prosecute a case instead of taking a solution-oriented approach
* never simply asking “Are you okay?” or “What do you need?”
* treating the workplace as more important than a person’s personal life/treating people only as employees instead of holistic human beings

Anyhow, preview of next week’s topic: “Conversations Are Where The Real Work Happens”

And apropos of nothing, here’s a recipe for delicious perogies which are a Saskatchewan staple as (almost) everyone knows!

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