Secular Sunday – How David Copperfield Made The Statue of Liberty Disappear

This was the original illusion as broadcast…

This is an explanation of how Copperfield pulled it off…

Watching this, it struck me that this would make a good Secular Sunday post even if it wasn’t overtly about religion.

Seeing people in the live audience say things like “If I was home watching on TV, I would be skeptical but I was here and it was there then it wasn’t there” or that they couldn’t believe something that had always been there could suddenly not be is a good reminder of our human biases and blind spots.

*Of course* it’s an illusion, *of course* the Statue of Liberty did not actually disappear – and I suspect on some level, these people must know that.

But those in the audience willingly suspended their skeptical and critical thinking to be part of this experience of mass delusion.

Sound familiar?

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