Monthly Archives June 2019

I Could Probably Turn This Entire Blog Into Cute Photos of Sasha Camping

Saturday Snap – A Girl and Her Best Friend

Friday Fun Link – More Initials!

Congrats to Shea on becoming a Certified Diabetic Educator – an incredible amount of hard work paid off (and not just because it adds to an already impressive list of credentials after her name!)

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – First & Last Day of School (September 2018/June 2019)

The last day of school is the perfect day for Throwback Thursday. I love how Sasha’s face changes from resignation and uncertainty in the first picture to utter joy and relief in the second. (And even Pace’s near-teenaged face has a hint of smile to it today compared to September as well!) 🙂

Goodbye to Our Babysitter (and Some Thoughts On A Lucky Life)

When I did my ten part series on the things that have been major factors in making me who I am today, I thought about finishing with a post about a few things – liberals tend to think in terms of “privilege”, right wingers might think of it as “hard work”, the superstitious might just […]

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Tragedies like this simply don’t need to happen. Please give if you can…

Music Monday – “Mama said “she’s my brothers daughter” and I don’t even know who’s my father/I guess she’s my cousin but she needs some sweet lovin’ anyway!”

When did I get into banjo music?!? Isn’t it music for inbred rednecks? 😉 “Banjo Odyssey” – The Dead South from Regina, Saskatchewan (who took some criticism for playing with those banjo/inbreeder stereotypes and issued an explanation in response)

Regina Northeast Community Association Family Fair & BBQ

I got to spend a few hours this afternoon at the annual summer fair of one of the community associations my library serves. There’d been a forecast of rain but the day turned out to be beautiful and I it was great fun to spend time with a bunch of my regular patrons, meet a […]

Saturday Snap – This Is The Picture My Wife Sends Me While I’m Being #SaturdayLibrarian

The rest of the family gets a trip to the museum and ice cream; I get to talk to people about chemtrails, flat earth theories, and how Disney hides secret messages in their movies, all while being #SaturdayLibrarian. 😉

Friday Fun Link – The Mighty Mighty Bosstones “The Impression That I Get” (Except The Genre Changes Every 15 Seconds)

This is pretty cool, not least for how it features some pretty unique genres compared to most of the “same song in a range of genres” videos that usually do variations of fairly mainstream rock -> country -> jazz -> folk styles. (via MetaFilter) And here’s the original for the record…