Always one of my favourite posts of the year as it does such a good job of randomly capturing the flow of the year, highlights and lowlights.
January – “It was a great way to kick off the New Year last night with Shea and I seeing a show at Casino Regina featuring Blake Berglund & Belle Plaine opening for The Dead South.”
February – “If you’re new to the NDP and/or legitimately trying to decide who’s the best choice for Leader out of Ryan Meili and Trent Wotherspoon, the TED Talk that Ryan gave at the University of Regina in 2012 is probably the quickest and easiest way to get a sense of who Ryan is, what he stands for and what his political goals are…”
March – [Photo of full moon over the Moon Palace Resort in Cancun]
April – “No, not that guy – the other one! ?”
May – “A while back on AskReddit, there was a question about “What will be the “smoking” of the next generation which our kids judge us harshly for?””
June – “I think our family on my paternal grandmother’s side had five generations alive at one point but I can’t imagine six generations on the planet at one time (or even seven which the article says is the world record but with no photographic proof!)”
July – “I don’t want to brag or anything but……but our entry in the “Decorate for Canada Day” contest at Nickle Lake actually inspired the judges to add and award a second place prize (hat *and* t-shirt, baby!) after they couldn’t decide between ours and the people who ended up winning first place (folding chair *and* folding table).”
August – “Doing a lot of reading about various aspects of the scaphoid bone I broke in my wrist and always shocked to see American sites talking about the cost of healthcare (~$6000 – $10,000 for the x-rays, hospital stay and surgery I had) or how they would forego treatment completely due to a lack of health insurance.
September – “According to, this was my most played song of the summer.”
October – “Happy With You” – Paul McCartney
November – “This is still one of my favourite Halloween memories of all time.”
December – “Took Sasha to the local community association’s Santa Breakfast this morning.”
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