Monthly Archives July 2016

Saturday Snap – Gone Camping!

We’re off camping for the next couple weeks so posts will likely be few and far between…unless the kids end up building a really cute fort out of firewood and I have to post a picture! 😉

Friday Fun Link – God, I Miss Jon Stewart

Luckily, he’s living under Stephen Colbert’s “Late Show” desk… (Oh, and here’s a summary of 25 of Trump’s biggest lies, exaggerations and misrepresentations from his convention speech last night.)

An Open Letter From A Sanders Supporter to Democrats Calling For “Unity”

This is long but worth a read… Dear Democrats, As the absurd Trump convention grinds on, somewhere in Philadelphia I imagine there is an army of volunteers inflating one hundred thousand colorful balloons. It is no secret that not all of us are going to be in a celebratory mood when those balloons rain down […]

Throwback Thursday – Our New rPod182G Camper (August 2014)

Hard to believe we’ve already had our camper for three summers (well, two and a bit since we bought it near the end of the season three years ago.) We’ve had a lot of fun with it so far, travelled to parks across the province and after a quick trip out to Rowan’s Ravine last weekend […]


So you have to be living under a rock to have not heard about the new augmented reality map-based game, Pokemon Go!.  I first heard about it when it was all over Reddit, soon after its release in early July. I have to be honest – my first reaction was to ignore it as I thought of […]

Music Monday – “Yes, we’re going to a party-party/Yes, we’re going to a party-party”

I’ve had this blog for ten years and my actual birthday has fallen on a “Music Monday” only once in 2009 when I naturally posted…“Paranoid Android” by Radiohead? Maybe I did this because only a couple years earlier in 2009, I fudged things and posted “Birthday” by the Beatles on the Monday before my birthday […]

Saturday Snap – BikeCar Like An Icon?

Saw this rig on Albert St. the other day…

Friday Fun Link – What The World’s Biggest Sites Looked Like At Launch

This is pretty interesting featuring screenshots of the original version of sites such as Google, Yahoo, Amazon, etc. For comparison’s sake, here’s what my very first web page looked like in December 1998 (this isn’t the first page I ever made but the earliest I could find in the Wayback Machine).       Crazy to […]

Throwback Thursday – Practice Makes Dishpan Hands? (July 13, 2006)

In 2006, I took the only Children’s Librarianship class that my library school offered.  I did extremely well in it and was one of only six students (out of a class of 20+) that our prof invited for a end-of-class meal and celebration for her most promising students. One of the reasons she saw great potential […]

“When you’re born in this world, you’re given a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in the US, you get a front row seat.”

God, I love George Carlin…