I would’ve guessed the longest lasting torrent would’ve been The Anarchist Cookbook (uhm, probably a bad idea to link to that, eh?)
but it’s not. Instead, it’s RECIPES!!! Exactly ten years ago a Pirate Bay user uploaded a torrent linking to “Top Secret Recipes” ebooks. Today, this torrent is the oldest surviving torrent file […]
As I mentioned on Facebook, Sasha and I have a lot in common – we don’t wear shirts at the dinner table, we’re pretty messy eaters, and we occasionally gnaw on the bottom of containers to try to get at the food! 
So I consider myself a fairly tech-savvy individual. I’ve been using computers since I was ten years old. The first computer I used regularly was a Commodore-64. I sent my first e-mail in 1995 and designed my first web site in 1997. I’ve since designed numerous web sites and even got paid to produce many […]
Saskatchewan Naval Commander Helps Drug Bust Victoria Divita, only the fourth woman in history to command a Canadian Naval vessel, is from Indian Head. I grew up with Victoria (though I knew her as “Vickie”), she was in my sister’s grade, a couple years younger than me, and in fact, her older brother was best […]
Saskatchewan Legislature Re-created in Minecraft So today, Majong, the company formed around the hugely popular Minecraft video game, released the TU14 update for Minecraft on XBox360. If you’ve been living under a rock (or at least without an obsessed six year old in your house!), Minecraft is a “sandbox” game – basically, a game that […]
I’ve recently rediscovered hummus. God, that stuff is addictive! The local hard rock radio station playing German quasi-death metal on my drive back to work after lunch recently = Jason has a very productive afternoon!
I’ve mentioned this before but getting to come home for lunch every day is beyond awesome. That’s partly because, […]
One of my and Sasha’s go-to bedtime songs… “Golden Slumbers” – Paul McCartney
For the same reason we deny the existence of fire-breathing dragons.
I have an English degree so can’t help but notice that Pace went from “MEeeting” to “EsTablished” (which is the highest level in the school’s rating system) in English Language Arts between the first and second terms of Grade One. Shea has a degree in Nursing and I also noticed that his Health Education mark […]