If you can get past the gratuitous swearing, the Fucking Home Page actually has pretty interesting content each new day.
Went to TEDxRegina last year and am excited to be going again this year. Plus, unlike last year when I went on my own time, this year my employer is funding me plus a few other colleagues to attend. Yay! That is *exactly* what I was saying last year about how libraries need to ensure […]
Some good answers in this Quora question… There’s no better feeling than accomplishing a task today so you don’t have to do it tomorrow… “If it hurts, do it more.“ There are a whole raft of things that get easier the more often you do them. Like dishes: waiting until you’ve used all the plates and […]
A pianist uses a popular children’s song to do a very cool demonstration the past century of recorded music…
So after spending a few hours at the lake yesterday, my dad, Pace and I went back into town. Dad bought a few things he needed at the local co-op including some candy as a treat for Pace. As we drove away, the sun was shining. Someone had a fishing shack painted with The Punisher […]
Went out to Katepwa Lake to put the pier in with my dad, uncle and cousin today as well as do a few other chores to get the cottage ready for the season. I think the caption for the following photo is: “Working Hard or Hardly Working?”
My cousin drew the short straw […]
There are lots of possibilities but if I did a photo like this for our cat, one of the first captions to spring to mind would be: “Whipping around the house should only be done at 3am with my owner’s bed as the best place to practice my hairpin turns.” 
I’ve long been a believer that a happy workplace is a productive, engaged workplace. Now, it looks like Canadian business schools are starting to agree. From the Globe & Mail (with my own bolding of parts I found particularly relevant)… The business case for happiness in the workplace DELLA BRADSHAW Published Wednesday, May. 22, 2013 07:00PM […]
Over the years, I’ve occasionally posted about some of the search terms that were bringing people to my blog. I did this once a few months after starting my blog in 2006 and again during the 2009 NDP Leadership Race and probably a few other times as well. I thought it might be interesting to re-visit the […]