Shea and I are having a dress rehearsal for the baby’s arrival (it’s not coming but showed a couple signs it might be so five hours after coming to the hospital to get checked over, we sit awaiting test results.). Shea’s resting so I’m surfing around and came across an /r/askreddit question about the funniest […]
A couple weeks back, I attended the Federal NDP’s full day workshop on their “Prairie Initiative“. This is an effort by the federal party to lay the groundwork for a similar breakthrough on the Prairies to the one they had in Quebec during the last election. The day was filled with speakers, presentations and break-out […]
At the risk of sounding like an old fogey, I can’t really make out any of the words to this song. So I’ll just put the band name and title of the song as the title of this post instead of relevant lyrical excerpt like I usually do. But since the title of the song […]
I don’t watch wrestling as much as I used to but Wrestlemania Sunday is always a special day. I rarely shell out the sixty bucks for the PPV but have watched when I’m with a group of people or at a bar or something. But this year, through the magic of the Internet, I may […]
…I asked her to hold my wine and she agreed.
(Can you see that look of longing in her eyes as she glances at my wine? Actually pretty cruel of us to tempt her this way during a birthday supper for my dad earlier this week!)
Pace’s portmanteau word “ness” is one of the most upvoted comments on this Reddit question although all of the answers are great (with that said, I’m glad it wasn’t my kid who liked to say “cockporn” instead of “popcorn”!)
The distance from Earth to Mars (if the Earth was 100 pixels wide) The Scale of the Universe …and the top rated photos in Reddit’s /r/spaceporn
When I was a kid, the cartoon “Battle of the Planets” was a huge deal for me and my friends. One of the many cool things about the show was that “the G-Force members stay in contact through a wrist-band communicator device.” In grade one, I still remember how I convinced a bunch of my […]
It’s no secret that I am fascinated by the different approaches that so many tech companies take towards organizational culture compared to more traditional companies. Here’s another example – a presentation outlining tech marketing company, HubSpot’s cultural code. (I especially love their three-word policy that guides pretty much everything they do: “Use Good Judgement”. Also […]
Lots of April Fool’s jokes across the Internet today as usual. One of the funniest is that /r/radiohead has temporarily changed their sub-reddit to be like /r/coldplay, playing up the “rivalry” between fans of these two well-known UK bands with Radiohead seen as groundbreaking and original while Coldplay is seen by many as mainstream, unoriginal (copying […]