My Facebook feed was filled with people talking about the weather, posting screen grabs of The Weather Network (did we really hit-50 with wind chill? Was Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan really the coldest place on the planet today? Was the average temperature in Saskatchewan closer to the surface temperature on Mars than in Toronto? Yes to […]
The snow in our neighbour’s yard is taller than Pace… (And if he looks grumpy, you would be too if your dad made you stop on the walk to the babysitter’s to take a picture in in -40 weather!)
Back from a four-day weekend in Winnipeg where I was (mostly) unplugged – although I did send out one last membership pitch from the Tim Horton’s in Brandon on Friday afternoon which indicates that I’m either really dedicated or really deluded! I did see a few things as the membership deadline approached that made me […]
Since at least 2003, TL;DR which means “Too Long; Didn’t Read” has been used as a reply to a much longer post on a message board or other places to indicate that the replying user didn’t bother to read the comment because it was too long (which is probably pretty self-evident.) On Reddit, they tend […]
Ten years ago, Shea and I got married on a beach in the Mayan Riviera during a week long winter holiday as our parents and a handful of other guests looked on. Tomorrow, we leave on a trip to celebrate our 10 year anniversary with a long weekend trip to Winnipeg. Some people would probably […]
Inspired but tired after very fun night out at Ryan Meili’s “A Night To Re-Membership” event at the Artful Dodger. So I’ll just post a quick photo before bed and perhaps add more thoughts later!
There’s less than a week left until the deadline for selling NDP memberships (how did that come up so fast?) I’ve spent the evening spamming reaching out to pretty much any potential NDP member in my Facebook friends list (so I expect to be de-friended by quite a few people by tomorrow!)
This exercise does […]
“Dad, to aliens, people are the aliens.”
Killed two birds with one stone today – coming down to Weyburn for the latest #skndpldr debate and also getting to spend the night with Shea’s folks. Shea and I got to work Ryan’s table at the debate and, as usual, I’ve got a lot of random thoughts from the day… – I’ve been to […]
Shea kindly sent me this video of a couple young Dutch men who volunteered to have electrodes put on their abdomen to simulate the increasingly painful contractions of labour. It’s not in English but I’d say pain is a pretty universal language – although if I’m being a smart-ass, I’d also wonder if they were […]