Monthly Archives October 2011

Friday Fun Link – Go The Fuck to the Library

It’s funny cause it’s true. (h/t to TR & CF)

The Best Non-Fiction Book I Read This Year…

…was quite possibly a fiction book! I think I’ve mentioned before that I read mostly non-fiction – probably 80-90% NF to 10-20% Fiction.  But a recent Reddit thread on “eye-opening books that have improved the quality of your life” led me to a great fiction find. In the thread, somebody recommended Bill Bryson’s “A Short […]

What’s 21 Months Overdue at RPL?

CUPE 1594, which represents the in-scope workers at RPL, launched an advocacy campaign today. Entitled “Check Us Out” with a slogan of “What’s 21 Months Overdue at Regina Public Library?”, its purpose is to draw attention to the fact that union members at RPL have been working without a contract for nearly two years. You […]

The End of the Canadian Wheat Board…maybe?

Probably one of the best (and worst) things my dad ever did for me was when he didn’t push me to follow in his footsteps by becoming a farmer. My great-great-grandfather homesteaded in 1883, taking advantage of the famous Dominion Lands Act that offered 160 acres for $10 which drew so many settlers to the […]

Music Monday – “I’m putting all my fears down/I can hear the cheers now/See peace signs when I look around”

X-Factor is the new Simon Cowell owned-show he’s imported from the UK to compete with American Idol, the top-rated franchise he left last year.  Although both shows have similar formats, X-Factor allows groups, a wider age range for contestants and holds auditions in front of an audience instead of just the judges’ panel among other […]

The Tribesman Who Facebook Friended Me

A really interesting story about how Facebook has reached into places where you would least expect it. (I sometimes feel like I need to add this to any story I post that I find on MetaFilter but seriously, the MetaFilter comments make the original story 1000x better!)

Saturday Snap – Halloween Comes Early?

I’m dressed as “guy who doesn’t know what he’s doing!” 😉 (I was also going to make a joke about my coveralls being the most orange I saw in Weyburn this weekend but that’s a bit off-side.  I’m sure the NDP have a candidate down here…somewhere!)

Friday Fun Link – “Dad Dancing”

Evolution even has an explanation for why your old man dances the way he does! (h/t to SM on Twitter)

We are the 99%

Depending on where you live (and where you get your news), the Occupy Wall Street movement, may or may not be on your radar. These protests, which started in New York but have since spread to other cities around the world, are “mainly protesting against social and economic inequality, corporate greed, and the influence of […]

Amazon, You Magnificent Bastard

An article on how Amazon’s use of their Kindles as loss-leaders for the digital content within their own “walled garden” ecosphere is a winning strategy that makes them a strong contender against Apple.