Daily Archives Friday, July 2009

Friday Fun Link – Unique Flavour Combinations (July 17, 2009)

A pretty fun Ask MetaFilter question asks what are the most strange yet enjoyable food and flavour combinations you know?  Here's a few samples…– ham and peanut butter– cheese and brown sugar– lemonade with salt and pepper (popular in India apparently)– lemonade with iced tea– half grapefruit, sprinkled with cinnamon and briefly microwaved– garlic and […]

We're All In This Together – One Final Meili Tribute Video

I'd hoped to have this ready a bit earlier (the one month anniversary of the convention vote was one day I flirted with and would've been perfect as it was also a Music Monday!).  But it took me longer than I expected – mostly because I was teaching myself to use a different program so […]