Daily Archives Sunday, June 2009

Fathers & Sons

I first posted this video last Christmas but I think today's a much more appropriate spot for it.  The underlying truth about Father's Day that I realised this year is that it isn't so much about celebrating fathers as it's a chance for fathers to celebrate their kids.  (With that said, there's no reason a […]

Five Things That Had The Biggest Impact in the 2009 Sask NDP Leadership Race (And Five That Didn't)

I'll still thinking about a post with my thoughts on some of the things the Meili campaign could've done differently to perhaps put themselves over the top.  But until that comes clearer, I thought I'd do a post looking at things in the bigger picture.  I never get a good response when I call for […]

Friday Late Link – Nerds vs. Jocks – The True Cultural Divide in America

John Hodgman roasts Barack Obama at the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner while trying to decide if the new President is a nerd or a jock (and including a subtle message that perhaps the expectations for Obama were set too high?).