Daily Archives Saturday, March 2007

"Perhaps You Will Become A Saint For A Child To Meet"

“A sappy woman sent me a letter a few years back. She knew I was sappy, too, which is to say a lifelong northern Democrat in the Franklin Delano Roosevelt mode, a friend of the working stiffs. She was about to have a baby, not mine, and wished to know if it was a bad […]

Job Hunt Update

I've been fairly restrained (at least by my standards) in talking about my job hunt on this blog  because I wanted to keep these details fairly low key for a variety of reasons, not least because I know that more and more employers do web searches for potential employers and you never know what might […]

Friday Fun Link – Conservapedia (March 2, 2007)

The son of conservative icon, Phyllis Schlafly, Andrew Schlafly has set-up a conservative alternative to the “liberal-biased” Wikipedia called “Conservapedia“. (via MetaFilter which includes some of the funnier excerpts from the site.)

FTRW 2007 – Day 6 – "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

As a bit of a follow-up to yesterday's FTRW post about an attempt to ban “Fahrenheit 451” in Texas last fall, here's an earlier essay by Ray Bradbury, on various attempts to censor his work over the years.  In other news, my appearance on the “Book Chick” radio show a couple nights ago talking about […]