Daily Archives Monday, September 2006

How News Travels In A Small Town

My wife and I recently played a practical joke on my mother-in-law, Joan.  If you haven't read about it, go read that first.  Don't worry…I'll wait.Okay, got it?  Here's the update: a couple days after we pulled the prank, Joan got a phone call from a family friend who, disguising his voice, said “This is […]

Viewer's Choice

Brigette Gall, who is from Shea's hometown (Creelman, SK, population: 85), has been put on the long shortlist for the Viewer's Choice Gemini Award for “Best Lifestyle Host” for her work on “Me, My House and I”.  Please click on this link to automatically vote for her and help her make the Top 5 who […]

Job Hunt Skills

Florence Hwang, a recent grad from the program, attended a federal libraries career networking event in Ottawa and reports back with these tips on her blog (reprinted with permission):* Instead of listing relevant courses you have taken in your resume, provide examples of projects you did in school.* Experience counts. Put down your volunteer experience […]

My Schedule

Got an e-mail from the department today (Sunday?  Wow, they work hard over there!) saying that a spot had opened up in a class I initially didn't get into.  So I'm going to drop one of my alternate classes and take this one and my final schedule will be this:Monday PM – “Public Library in […]