Job Hunt Skills

Florence Hwang, a recent grad from the program, attended a federal libraries career networking event in Ottawa and reports back with these tips on her blog (reprinted with permission):

* Instead of listing relevant courses you have taken in your resume, provide examples of projects you did in school.
* Experience counts. Put down your volunteer experience if it is relevant.
* If you want to work in a particular city, use more than one employment agency to help you find jobs.
If you are applying for federal government jobs (or jobs in Ottawa),
remember to include your language skills – even if it is a basic level.
If you don't have French language skills, demonstrate you are working
towards learning the language through college or high school board
education courses.

* Attend conferences. They are like one big job interview.
* Make connections wherever you work or study. You never know when they can help you out in the future.
Be flexible to taking contract or short-term positions for the first
while, if you can. You can learn about different work environments and
types of libraries this way and build your experience, too.

* Have
a plan or at least an idea of what kind of library or work environment
you would like to work. It helps your job search become more focused.

* Get involved in professional associations. These are great forums to become connected to the library world.
* Keep current with the professional literature.

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