Monthly Archives August 2006

2006 Fred Eaglesmith Charity Picnic In Photos

 Stars With One Name: Cher, Madonna and…Fred? Performer line-up for the weekend Our campsite The unofficial “best campsite” award We were warned about the “Missisauga Rattlers” when we set-up our campsite but didn't realise they were being wrangled on stage as well. Washboard Hank is a very…unique (?)…musician. Canadian folk legend, Willie P. Bennett Man […]

No Updates This Weekend

Shea and I are off to the annual Fred Eaglesmith Picnic at Aylmer, just south of London in “Fred Country” for the weekend.  Eaglesmith always connects the weekend to a charity and this year's is a fitting one which even loosely relates to some of the same issues being discussed after a recent post of […]

How To Get Kicked Out of the Librarian's Guild

My wife was recently back in Saskatchewan to visit her parents and during her time there, she got her mom's library card number and PIN number so that she could put books on hold for her over the Net.  That's what Shea was doing last night and one of us (I won't say who ) […]

Saskatchewan Targets Alberta For Labour

“Saskatchewan is experiencing the largest skilled labour shortage in the country” according to Citizenship and Immigration Minister, Monte Solberg who recently announced a new program to bring skilled foreign workers into Canada.  In addition to foreign labour, the Calgary Sun reports that Saskatchewan is targetting workers in Alberta, touting Saskatchewan's affordable housing, shorter commutes and […]

Cheaper Books Coming To Canada?

Books in Canada have been costing up to 36% more than in the US, due to the way the book prices have been fixed to an outdated exchange rate. However, following pressure from unhappy consumers and bookstore owners, most publishers are now reducing their prices.  Random House Canada will begin offering discounts to retailers on […]

Bus v. Bike v. (Human) Being

I know that the law classifies bicycles as vehicles and that's why they have to ride on the road rather than the sidewalk.  But to me, that's never made sense.  Except in the busiest areas (downtown, Richmond Row, at the University), sidewalks tend to have a lot less people on them than the number of […]

Bruce Fyfe's Spirit of Librarianship Letter of Thanks

Bruce asked me to post this letter on his behalf an an addendum to the speech he gave after he won the Spirit of Librarianship Award at the Destressor last Wednesday. —On Wednesday, August 9, I was given the Summer 2006 Spirit of Librarianship Award. I want to thank the people who put my name forward […]

Theresick (The Feast of Crispian)

I went on a semester exchange to York England when I was in undergrad.  Because of the constant excitement of new experiences and meeting new people and learning new things, I never really got homesick in my four months there, even though everybody warned me that I would.  But when I got back to Canada, […]

Why Do Boys Read? Heavy Metal!

GG winning author, Art Slade (who is coming to FIMS on October 23 for the Lunch Bucket speaker series – mark your calendars!), discusses the reasons he became (and stayed) a reader as a young boy on his blog.  His answer?  Heavy metal. Two thoughts.  Why did I become a reader?  I think mainly because […]

Friday Fun Link – Book Mooch (August 11, 2006)

Book Mooch is a new web site which helps facilitate the exchange of used books you no longer need for books you really want, all for the cost of postage. (via MetaFilter)