Daily Archives Monday, June 2006

A Few CLA Photos…

Shea had the camera while being a tourist (and we didn't think to take our old-fashioned film camera which still needs to have its current roll finished) so I didn't take as many shots at CLA as I normally would have.  Here are some though… A couple from the Thursday night pub crawl… Three previous […]

Friday Late Link – Monday June 19, 2006 (Jail Library Finds)

A Flickr photoset of the things a library volunteer finds on the book cart or stuffed in books in the prison where they volunteer: Jail finds – a photoset on Flickr (via Librarian.net)

Misadventures at CLA – Day Four (Saturday)

Just back from the CLA conference (it officially ended up Saturday but we stayed an extra day to do some sightseeing and so we'd have a full day to drive home instead of rushing on Saturday.)  Turns out this was a wise decision as I'll explain later… Saturday, I was again up very early and […]