Daily Archives Saturday, April 2006

As Useless As Tits On A Bull: Library User Fees in Alberta

Hello to any visitors from the Alberta library and writing communities.  Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond to my e-mail queries regarding user fees in Alberta libraries.  All comments, on both sides of the issue, were very useful.  I've put my paper online (141 kb PDF) and I think it's […]

Why I Hate George Bush (And Love Analogies)

TEN REASONS I HATE GEORGE W. BUSH 1. He thinks he is right all the time and will not admit to errors, even when he is proven wrong over and over again.  2. He only sees one way of doing things, only one right answer.  3. He mangles the language constantly, often using bad metaphors […]

Vote For Pedro II: Electric Boogalo

The official list of nominees for the Spirit of Librarianship Award was released the other day.  It's too bad they don't give you a little blurb on who people are and why they were nominated as I think that would help people make up their minds, especially if you don't know some (any) of the […]