Tag Archives: weather

First Snow of the Year – Hawksley Workman

We had one brief hit a few weeks ago that went away but otherwise, November 29 is a pretty good day for posting this traditional blog post to commemorate the first snow of the year (the first that looks like it’s going to stick around anyhow)…  

Saturday Snap – How To Take Maximum Advantage of An Unseasonably Warm Saturday in mid-November? #yqr

There’s lots of possibilities but these folks win by having a yard sale!

Fall on the Prairies

My dad’s (and I suspect most farmers’) favourite season… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geiQ3gvchGM

Saturday Snap – Canada Day Picnic

Enjoying the Canada Day celebrations at Wascana Park…

Saturday Snap – January in Saskatchewan

Music Monday – “When your day is long/And the night, the night is yours alone/When you’re sure you’ve had enough/Of this life, well hang on”

Today is “Blue Monday”, allegedly the saddest day of the year due to a mix of distance from Christmas, weather and credit cards coming due (although it’s actually just a random day picked to help sell winter vacations.) I thought about posting “Blue Monday” by New Order but that song actually makes me quite happy. So this is […]

“First Snow of the Year” – Hawksley Workman

Posting this video is an annual tradition. And I could get used to posting it a few days past the middle of November although the trade-off is that the “snow” today was slushie rain this morning that basically turned the whole city into curling rink ice while I had a lunch meeting I walked to […]

+14 on November 8? Wow. #yqr

I can’t find it now but a few years back, I posted a graphic showing the forecast for December 24, 25 & 26 which all showed +4. Today is along the same lines – we’re having double digit plus temperatures well into November and today might be the warmest day yet. A couple friends on […]

Super Moon Eclipse

Watched some of the rare supermoon lunar eclipse with Shea and Pace tonight.  Pretty cool, especially considering the last time it happened was 1982 and it won’t happen again until 2033!

Winter Sucks.

A caller to CBC Radio’s Morning Edition has an epic rant after the show host says the weekend weather will be “nice” at -1 degree. 24 Pictures That Capture How Insane the Snowmaggedon in Buffalo Really Is