Sometimes I really enjoy working in a library… 😉
Can you guess which Presidential candidates live in which mansion?
Here’s some random thoughts… I wish Bernie would be more explicit in making some points. Don’t just mention that you’re 20 points up against Trump in head-to-head polls; compare that to how Hillary does against Trump. Similarly, when they bring up her delegate count including super delegates, point out that these delegates changed to Obama […]
It feels somewhat wrong and somehow right to post this list on International Women’s Day. But as she does with so many other things, Hillary Clinton has made her gender an integral part of her campaign (which, in turn, has polarized female voters around the issue of gender) so is there a better time? For that reason, here’s my […]
Pretty self-explanatory… “Feel The Bern” – Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Who would have believed a year ago that the Democratic Party would be imploding while trying to stifle their ideological base to take down a socialist who is out-fundraising everyone to preserve a Wall Street backed candidate whose approval ratings were less than desirable before their FBI scandal but you wouldn’t be able to even follow […]
Well, not really. Honestly, I don’t know what else to say other than this has easily been the craziest election campaign I have seen in my life (as foretold by the great movie, “Idocracy”!) Two outsider candidates are threatening the establishment insiders of both parties and the “Kang or Kodos” politics of barely distinguishable two-party candidates […]
I’ve had this blog since 2006 but perhaps surprisingly, I’ve never really acknowledged Leap Years even though I’ve been blogging for two of them in 2008 and 2012. So let’s continue that trend by ignoring February 29, 2016 completely in favour of a song inspired by tomorrow’s Super Tuesday vote in the United States… “Vote” […]
I feel like this year’s Freedom to Read Week series is a bit more toned down than the usual controversial swear-fest I enjoy creating each year. But there are things that happen on a less provocative level that have impacts on librarianship, censorship and access to information even if they don’t get an “R” rated […]
Watching the Democratic Presidential Town Hall so thought I’d post this (in)appropriate ad I came across on Reddit. To tie it back to censorship in a more serious fashion, it’s more important to remember that in various sectors but especially in politics, censorship isn’t just about the outright suppression of ideas – it also happens […]